Tag Archives: NFH

NFH-Congress 2015 at Sandbjerg Gods – in text and fotos

Thursday th. 27. August, NFH-Congress-2015 started midday when the executive committee met in the diningroom at  Sandbjerg Gods and had lunch together. For subsequently to have our annual meeting about current matters, among others to deal with the Finish Section having big organizational troubles at this moment. So big that we had to choose another country to arrange the next Congress 2017, and luckily the Islandic chairwoman with support promised to take over the Presidency and the coming NFH-Congress.

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Later in the evening all participants for the Congress arrived one by one joining a very nice Get-to-gether-party.

Early next morning The NFH-Congress 2015 started in the big auditorium of Sandbjerg. We were about 55 participants learning about PAIN-IN-PERSPECTIVES. The Executive Committee had invited 5 young engaged persons from the dental teams from each Nordic Country, and young dentists from Norway, Sweden and Denmark took part at the Congress this year.

We also had invited 5 members to give lectures at the following NFH-40 years Anniversary Conference, and because of this occasion very dear friends turned up and had a great reunion with each other and with the rest of us.

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Early next morning NFH-Congress 2015 started. The lecturers were presented by the members of the Danish Executive Committee and the Congress-theme was: PAIN IN PERSPECTIVES.

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During the Congress-Friday there was a fine exhibition on the way to coffee- and lunchbreaks. Zendium,  GUM, Tandlægehjælpen/ Proxident, Lasal-puder/Dentronic, MundH-center showed relevant materials for dentistry for special-need-patients. And the curiosity was big, even if the sunny weather was attracting as well.

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Friday afternoon the whole congress gathered in a bus sponsored by GUM and was driven to the Town Hall in Sønderborg, where we all were received by Helge Larsen from the local council in the big and impressive council chamber.

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Later in the evening there was Gala-diner back at Sandbjerg, and a very funny and entertaining local troubadour Tim Hansen got us all to sing along in both familiar English and Nordic songs.

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The last congress-day, Saturday the lecturers continued until lunch, still concerning the theme PAIN-IN-PERSPECTIVES, and a lot of reflections to take home to consider to convert to new practices in our clinics with special-need-patients.

NFH Congress 2015

The Congress 2015 ended at lunchtime, and afterwards the Anniversary Conference started. Five Nordic lecturers, Bitte Alborg, Kari Storhaug, Elin Sigurgeirsdottir, Katariina Ylinen and Pia Svendsen gave five very supreme and professional presentations on different aspects in the dental work with patients with disabilities.

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And then the NFH-Congress 2015 ended and a very tired Danish executive committee went home very happily with a well done congress-job behind us!


All pictures from the article: